Tilescapes is an open-world sandbox game that, in its current state, brings to mind Minecraft skyblock. You traverse a massive, nearly-empty expanse of sky, where you can create anything you can imagine* out of basically nothing.
*assuming everything you can imagine is made of basic colors and shapes
I made Tilescapes after imagining something like it in a half-awake, late-night haze. I've had to change a couple of details of it in order for it to resemble anything like a real game with even remotely logical mechanic, but here it is! It's a real game! I've made a real game!
It's still not much yet. You can only place 10 different colors of tiles, all of which are functionally identical, and there aren't really anything you could call a "challenge," or an "interesting game mechanic," or "a worthwhile use of time," but that's where you come in! I'd greatly appreciate it if you could send some ideas my way. I have plenty of ideas of my own already, but this is a sandbox game, so if anything in this game has already inspired you, then let me know if you have any thoughts or feedback. I can process your ideas and use them to fuel my own creation. Then, more people might find more stuff that inspires them, feeding a cycle of inspiration that maybe I could even profit off of????
Tilescapes is my first "commercial" video game... that is, you name your own price for the game on itch.io. You can play it entirely for free if you can't spare a couple bucks, which I totally understand. The Tilescapes are still a land of great emptiness... but with your support (financial or otherwise) perhaps someday they will be filled with Life, Love, and Legends™!